Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Good News!

My precious 15-year-old baby girl isn't on her way out -- she's actually healthy, aside from a pretty severe urinary tract infection! I broke down crying in the vet's office when they told me she was healthy -- I knew I had been stressed about it, but I didn't realize just how much until then. I've never snuggled her so close in my life. Now she's back home, she's eating again, she's using her litter box again, and she's not even holding a grudge against me for sticking a syringe of amoxicillin down her throat 2-3 times a day.

AND, in other good news, my cornbread turned out beautifully! I wish Granny were still here. She'd be so proud. I may or may not have put just a few too many chopped jalapenos in there, but luckily we like our cornbread spicy! 

Also, J's parents are flying in from California to close on their house, finally (they've been trying to sell their house here in Alabama ever since last April when they packed up and moved to Cali). I requested to leave a couple of hours early on Thursday so that we can go have dinner with them. It'll be great to see them again. I love them both so much -- every time I'm around his family, I boggle at how lucky we are. Not every couple is lucky enough to have an amazing support system on both sides. I love his family as much as I love my own, and he feels the same way towards mine. ♥

Hope all of you are having a lovely week.


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