Sunday, February 10, 2013

Rain, rain, go away...

...come again some other day -- perhaps a day when I am off work and can enjoy the delightful lull of your soft pattering on my windows. A day when I can curl up in a blanket with a book and a cup of coffee.

Cliche though it may be, my favorite rainy day activity truly is reading.  If I'm to be completely honest, my favorite any-day activity is probably reading, as well, but for the sake of the introduction to this post, we're focusing on a few of my rainy-day recommended reads. These are books I've read recently that I could not put down once I opened them, and thus they were devoured in a day's time. Click on the links below the books to open their respective GoodReads pages if you want to check out their synopses.

Anna and the French Kiss
While scrolling through one of my favorite bookworm-fabulous Tumblrs, I stumbled across a post that advertised this eBook for a one-day-only price of $2.99. I checked out the synopsis on GoodReads and decided it was worth a shot. This book made me laugh, and though it didn't make me cry, there were some heartstring-tugging moments toward the end -- but it was a fun read. Yes, it's your stereotypical YA romance novel formula -- boy meets girl, boy and girl like each other but there are circumstances that get in the way, etc. -- but the characters were more realistically written (at least in my opinion) than they normally are in these types of books. They have more depth because none of them are perfect, all of them have problems, and they have conversations to get to know each other.

Flat-Out Love
Man, oh, man. I adored this book. One of my lovely friends recommended it to me, and I snagged the eBook right away. At first, the writing and the dialogue come off a little strong -- I thought that Jessica Park was trying a bit too hard to make her teenage characters sound witty and intelligent -- but then farther into the book, I couldn't possibly imagine the characters (that I had gotten to know and utterly adore) speaking any other way. I had tears rolling down my cheeks by the time I finished. 

Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops
Last (but definitely not least) is the book that I highly recommend to anyone anywhere who has ever in their life worked in the book industry. When I regale my mother, husband, or friends with work stories involving customers and the questions they ask, I am always encouraged to document them so that I may compile them into a book at a later date. Looks like someone beat me to it, ha! In this magical book, you will find clueless customer classics such as, "Did Anne Frank ever write a sequel?" and "I read a book about thirty years ago. It had a green cover. Do you have it?" and "Can I return this once I've read it? Why isn't there a place where I can do that?"  It is simultaneously hilarious and sad. If I hadn't worked in the book industry for nearly four years, I would suspect that some of the scenarios in this book are made up... but I am living proof that these questions are actually asked every single day by readers and non-readers alike.

If you have any book recommendations for me, hit me up in the comments -- unless it's that Fifty Shades (or Fifty Shades inspired) crap, because then I'd be forced to advise you to go get properly laid.


  1. haha, I can relate to that last book! I was asst manager at a bookstore for awhile... you get VERY good at finding books by the colors of their cover... and I have heard other booksellers say this too, people ask for "Tequila Mockingbird" a lot. no joke!

    1. SERIOUSLY? Tequila Mockingbird? I'm totally stealing that for future use; perhaps a quirky pet name for a bibliophile/wine snob character I've yet to write.


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