Monday, February 4, 2013

Mixtape Monday #2: Soundtracks

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a sucker for well-placed music in other forms of media -- TV shows (I'm looking at you, Scrubs), movies, commercials, whatever. I adore music, and I am ten times more likely to like a mediocre film with a phenomenal soundtrack than I am to like a phenomenal film with a mediocre soundtrack. I've learned that there are very few instances in which amazing movies are produced with amazing soundtracks...

Tracks 1, 2, & 3 are from Almost Famous, which is my favorite movie of all time. I could write an entire blog post on how beautiful and perfect the movie is, but I'll spare you (for now). The music is phenomenal and it makes my heart physically ache for a time period in which I was never alive.

Penny Lane is my spirit animal.

Tracks 4 & 5 are the opening and closing tracks from [500] Days of Summer, which is the best not a love story I've ever seen. It lured me into a different sort of music scene by tempting me with classics by The Smiths and Hall & Oates, and then it tricked me by making me love a song by an artist who otherwise annoys the hell out of me (*cough* Regina Spektor *cough*). Well-played, guys. Well-played.

Tom & Summer love vinyl ♥
Tracks 6 & 7 are the opening and closing tracks from Juno. Who doesn't love smart-mouthed, knocked-up sixteen year old Juno? I'm pretty sure this soundtrack didn't leave my car's CD player for four months. Special mention to Kimya Dawson's "Loose Lips" for being an especially fun sing-along song. Broken hearts hurt but they make us strong.

Also, why is Ellen Page always so freakin' cute?
Tracks 8 & 9 are from Love Actually, my second favorite movie of all time! "Jump (For My Love)" makes me laugh out loud to myself every single time -- if you've ever seen this movie, you'll know why (and if you've never seen this movie, what are you waiting for?!) ...

"Just in cases."
Track 10 is sort of a bonus -- it's from Disney's Hercules and I jam out every time it plays on my iPod. Megara wins the sassy Disney gal contest, hands-down.

Bitch, please. I have the most fabulous hair, too.
I wrapped this one up before I was ready, so prepare yourselves for part two sometime in the future.

Do you have a favorite movie musical moment?  Hit me up in the comments or make a mix of your own and drop me a link!


  1. I LOVE Juno. and Love Actually. (duh). God Only Knows is probably my favorite Beach Boys song - and the fact that it's Love Actually makes me love the movie even more.

    I'm a total cheeseball for Sleepless in Seattle. it has a nice soundtrack. and I really love movie scores -- Out of Africa being a favorite :)

    (leaving my new domain as my url... even though I've barely done anything with it!)

  2. One of the perfectest uses of a song in a scene ever, for my money, is Bon Iver's "Creature Fear" in Ep 2.01 of "Chuck." (See the first minute and a half of this video.)

    Also, I'm with kc--"God Only Knows" over the closing credits of "Love Actually" makes me tear up every time.

  3. "Love Actually" is one of my favorite movies!

    I've been wanting to re-watch "500 Days of Summer" again. I love me some Joseph Gordon-Levitt.


Comments are love :)