Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Life is too short to wear boring glasses.

November 6, 2006
I finally retired my beloved glasses on Monday.  I had them for nearly seven years, and even though I adored them, it was time for a change.

(Yes. That was taken in my aforementioned pop-punk addicted, concert-hopping days. Told you I had blue hair.)

I was going to go for something classier, less chunky, a little more "grown-up" looking, since I'm entering the last year of my twenties and all....

Cell phone photo quality has improved exponentially since 2006. Obvs.
But I ended up with these little gems instead. They're bigger, boxier, chunkier, and hipster-er, and I think I'm in love with them for all those reasons. I should have known better than to try to be normal...

1 comment:

  1. They suit you! I love them!! :)

    I've been needing to buy a new pair of glasses myself since my current pair are super old (about 5 years), but I feel like I look terrible in glasses. I've tried on so many and I'm never satisfied!


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