Saturday, September 28, 2013

Georgia Aquarium

Hello, lovelies.

I realize it has been quite a while since I posted, but life has been pretty sweet lately and I've been pulling away from documenting it in order to fully appreciate it. Does that make sense?

Hubs and I recently took a little mini-trip to Atlanta while we were on vacation. He had never been to the Georgia Aquarium before (and I have, albeit a few years ago) so I wanted to show him how incredible it is.

So, in lieu of an actual update (that'll come soon, I'm sure), you get some pretty photos.  I'm just posting my favorites; if you'd like to see the entire set, it's here on Flickr! ♥ Enjoy!

Happy little stingray.
Jellyfish. Mesmerizing to watch.
Baby moon jellies. ♥
Another penguin -- with his "friendship bracelet" -- haha! These were J's favorites.
Scary-lookin' piranha. He was eyeballing us pretty fiercely.
Seaweed Seahorse
I had originally thought about cropping the photographer out, but I like him there for scale!
Aaand my favorite -- THE BABY BELUGAS. I could watch them all day.
This one was a little oddball and she swam upside-down. She was my favorite, naturally.
Beauties. ♥


  1. The Georgia Aquarium looks AMAZING!!! Maybe my family and I will get to visit there eventually once we move to that part of the country. There are no good aquariums here in Arizona. It's depressing!

    Those pictures came out incredible, too. I'm just curious but did you use a DSLR?

    1. Yesss! Once you guys move this way I DEFINITELY recommend it. Your girls would absolutely love it!

      Thank you! Yes, I did -- I have an old (and sadly neglected) Canon Rebel XT. She's been a good camera for all these years :)


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