Sunday, May 13, 2012

Brunette once more!

I got tired of red... and besides, the itch to bleach a chunk of my hair and cover it in Special Effects Pimpin' Purple or Electric Blue has been growing stronger. I can't very well do that with Crayola Red hair, can I?

Also, super happy thing -- tomorrow is the first day in weeks that Jeremy and I have both been scheduled to be off! I don't think we've had an entire day off together since the day we helped his parents finish packing for their move to California at the beginning of April. We had originally planned to take a trip to Bridge Street Town Centre in Huntsville to see an evening showing of The Avengers in the 21+ theater at the Monaco, but the local ticket prices are so much cheaper that we'd rather have a meal out, go to a matinee showing, and skip the two hours of round-trip travel time. We are so ready for a day of relaxation and nerdy superhero movies!

1 comment:

  1. YAY for days off and purple hair!

    Don't be surprised if you leave the theater after The Avengers and feel the need to go right back to the box office and buy tickets for a second viewing. :-)


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