Sunday, April 8, 2012

Happy Easter!

Well, sort of.  I'm at work. I've been writing out thank-you cards for wedding presents that are still trickling in and I've been catching up on "Big Bang Theory" instead of dying and hiding brightly-colored eggs in cute little baskets.

Speaking of which ... I kind of miss dying eggs.

It boggles my brain to walk through a store that is stocked with Easter goodies and to see the plethora of various egg-dying kits that are available now.  Forgive me for sounding old, but back when I was younger, I believe the most fancy kits we had a available were the glitter kits -- and those came about around the time I was losing interest in partaking in holiday traditions. I wonder if the hubs would humor me if I picked up a clearance-priced egg-dying kit due to nostalgic longing. Probably. He's a chef. He could figure out something to do with the boiled eggs after I'd dyed them and taken photos of them and subsequently lost interest.

At least Jeremy gets off work in time to have lunch with me today.  I'm thankful for that because sometimes when we work opposite shifts, there's just enough of an overlap that it causes us to miss my lunch hour. There are days when I kiss him goodbye at 7:30am and then I don't see him again until nearly midnight when I get home. Those days stink.

Mom is cooking for Easter -- actually, she's been marathon-cooking all weekend.  My sister called her and asked her to cook, so Mom went into a whirlwind and ended up cooking basically every signature meal she has.  This is a Big Deal(tm), because her back has her down so often that she rarely ever cooks anymore. She called yesterday to inform me that any we wanted to stop by, we would have ham, chicken and dressing, sweet potato casserole, green bean casserole, stuffed eggs, corn, potatoes, and strawberry shortcake to graze upon. Nom! 

...and now my stomach is growling. I'm going to return to the thank-you cards.  Maybe the next hour and a half will fly by and I'll be able to calm the cravings.

What was your favorite Easter tradition as a kid? 


  1. My earliest memories of dyeing eggs involve making our own dye with food coloring and vinegar! I'm sure the PAAS kits were around but they were too fancy for us. ;-)

    When I was a kid, my mom hid the Easter eggs in almost exactly the same places, in our living room, every year: under the recliner, in the Kleenex box, behind the photo frame, inside the mouth of the stuffed and mounted wide-mouth bass that my dad had caught. My brother and I used to tease her about it and she'd protest that (1) she didn't remember where she hid them last year, it was a long time since the previous Easter, and (2) she had to hide them in the same places or she was worried we'd lose one! Ah, tradition. :-)

  2. See, the basic PAAS kits are the only things I remember! Then, of course, there were the "super fancy" PAAS kits that came with the wrappers you could actually put on the eggs as you boiled them. These kids now with their sticker kits, their glitter, their TATTOOS on eggs. Sheesh! ;-)

    I think it's cute that your Mom hid the eggs in the same place every year and never realized it. It was sort of that way with Papaw & Granny's Easter Sunday egg-hunt with all the grandkids. We always knew Granny's favorite hiding places :)


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